About Me

About Me

Enjoying the lobby of a hotel in Krak贸w, Poland that went all out with their interior design
Enjoying the lobby of a hotel in Krak贸w, Poland that went all out with their interior design
My Resume1012.5KB

My name is Martha and I鈥檝e explored a few different career paths that all contributed to where I am today.

My education is in math and cognitive science, and then I worked in research and data science roles for about five years, which took me from the Amazon rainforest to unicorn startups. As I gained confidence in myself, it became clear to me that there was a creative side to me that was unfulfilled in my professional life. After a lot of thinking and soul-searching, I took the plunge and decided to make a change and pursue product design.

As I started to learn more about the discipline, I realized that a lot of the work I鈥檝e done before had really been UX research work. I鈥檝e designed surveys for users and synthesized those results into actionable recommendations. I鈥檝e thought long and hard about how to measure the success of product decisions. I鈥檝e worked on cross-functional teams to leverage many different skill sets toward a shared goal. Adding on some visual design skills was the hardest, but most rewarding part of this transition.

Today, I am a senior product designer at Homebot, where I use my data science and research background to inform my design decisions. It鈥檚 been incredibly rewarding to work with a wonderful team to make complicated concepts simple for homeowners, home buyers, and real estate professionals. The real-world impact is very important to me and I hope to work in mission-driven organizations that positively impact the world for the entirety of my career.

I am so excited about the future and the opportunities that lie ahead. I鈥檓 confident that my unique background in data science and product design will allow me to create innovative solutions that solve real-world problems with empathy and rigor.

In my spare time, I like to travel, draw in my bullet journal (see some of it on my Instagram), watch and discuss films (check out my Letterboxd), read novels, do crossword puzzles, and snuggle with my cat Carmelita. Fun fact, I used to co-own a company that hosted virtual trivia events!

Let鈥檚 get in touch!

Cover image from NASA鈥檚 James Webb Space Telescope